somewhere over the rainbow;
< /b>
Friday, May 25, 2007

WEEEEEEEEE.....its the last day of school...But somehow i don't feel as excited as i was last time...maybe it's because i LOVE onei...(: haha... will be missing those who were sitting around me, especially SHUYING!haha...thanks for being such a nice person and helping me when i needed help and i really had a great time sitting with you(: hey..let's see if i can post the pistures from civic district..

random cat...

yah i guess that's all...hehehehe...
missing onei always!u>

only illusions;

7:15 AM

< /b>

Tuesday, May 22, 2007

eh....i wanted to post picture but cannot got error.
hahahahX) nvm, post pic another day!(:
hehehe...getting wet in the rain is fun...but i kind tore my worksheet while stuffing stuff into the bag.
hehehe...i think i'm recovering from the flu(: not so bad anymore but still got a lot of phloegm(how to spell ah?) when i breathe i can feel it vibrating...hehehhe...
many thanks to the aunty in funan who gave me free lunch(: i was buyinging yong tau fu with no ingredients just yellow noodles. then she say never mind, no need to pay, free of charge(: hehehhehhehe
i kind of felt bad though. hahahhaha...
oh erm. sorry li aun and joy, i didn't know my umbrella had holes so you got wet..hehhehe...
thanks rachel(: for not posting the picture of my tongue, hehheheheh...

only illusions;

7:38 AM

< /b>

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

i hate the maths online test!!!!
it was so difficult! i had no idea how to do the first question.
why was the answer __? who could figure it out?
and why must our class always be the first to take tests? haha
i feel like changing the skin but i cant be bothered to...
maybe next time...all the best to everyone for the chinese test tomorrow!<33

only illusions;

7:41 AM

< /b>

Friday, April 27, 2007


only illusions;

10:50 AM

< /b>

Thursday, April 26, 2007

i am so dumb. in the morning i put 3 hamsters into a box and added another from another family..guess what? they started fighting like crazy and i had to call my father for help. so. i didnt give that hamster in the end. thinking about it, i made a hamster get hurt for nothing. im so modular is over...
but got chinese on monday...hahaha
i hate physics. didn't finish one question...
cant go home dance.(skipping benchball!(:)
ms choe is so sweet...she wrote 1i a long letter and mentioned all of our names in it...(:
weeeee....this is such a weird day... i cant decide whether im happy or sad...haha...
i guess i'm happy cause its friday, OKAY>>>>weeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
today's the first time i drank coffee...(: i knew it. it was so bitter. this is the last time im ever drinking coffee..or maybe i should try the nes something something one.haha(:

only illusions;

10:18 PM

< /b>

Friday, March 30, 2007

haha...yesterday was the concert thing... evryone looked so pretty!<33
took very little pics... stupid camera died.
laughed through the whole concert. cant help it! the guys head kept on jerking all over!
then the conducter kept on jumping..hahahahaaaahahahahahaha!:D
so many pple so depressed yesterday... tried to cheer rachel up but never work..:(
glad that she's happier now(:
sadness isn't nice lah... ruins your day. of course i get sad sometimes too but i just don't
really show it... dont kow why...haha... just dont want to bring pple's moods down...haha..
crazy week just went past(still got two more days actually)
so many tests and yah.. heard many pple got scolded this week...nvr mind lah, it's over already right? so sssmile!(: heheheheheh...
haiz. got alot of work still haven do. dont feel like doing but. I SHALL GO DO! heehee
must be happy happy! p.s i<3smoothie!>

only illusions;

9:19 PM

< /b>

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

do you know the band Fahrenheit has a blog?!?
they write in it... so cute...<33

only illusions;

11:35 PM

MySpace Icons

YHello!(: remember to tag>


1.6 2.6 3.4 4.2 5.3 6.6 sec1I



clothes!shoes!bags!glitter!friends!baking!coooking!home econs!LOVE<3.


failing.sadness.anger.people ignoring me. >=)


to pass all my exams.make more friends.


cbox, maximum width 198 px :))




artists: lembrancas, B4LU & poopart (from deviantart)
